I miss you..

It's been too long I didn't update this blog.
I really really miss you.
I miss you.

May to December.

There's lot of things happen on that time.
May to July. Has been worked at Brikform Sdn. Bhd.

August. Officially PENANAM ANGGUR yang berjaya di Lingkudau.
September. Saya start kerja di Perusahaan Kosinar Sdn. Bhd.

October. I'm in love with my boyfriend. 
November. I'm officially graduated from UMS, means I'm no longer a student. :(
December. It's time to flashback the bittersweet memories in 2011.

Say Hi to 2012 everybody! 
Ada beberapa hari lagi 2011 akan menutup tirainya.
My message, appreciate and be grateful for everything happen in this year as we already used it. 
Don't be regret as everything happen for reason. Be happy because it happen to you.

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry.

That's all.
Will update this blog again for some other time.
With Love,

New Journey

Good morning everyone!
Its been a long time this blog xkena update.
Terlalu busy sampai terabandoned  bha ni blog kan.
OK! Let start dengan cerita after exam.

Abis exam pun 10 May 2010.
After that busy dengan thesis segala.
Then now, part study + kelas semua finished.
A week bercuti di Keningau, then lapor diri sebagai trainee di BRIKFORM SDN. BHD.
Officially bekerja sini for this 10 weeks time.
All staff di sini sangat la sporting, and i don't feel like macam working.
As kami tidak pakai formal and buat ja apa kami suka JANJI kerja siap!
Itu yang paling penting kan. :)
Oh ya! My supervisor name is CERRIE.
At first sa sangka dia perempuan, tau2 LELAKI!
Then sa sangka lelaki lembut2, tau2 LELAKI STRAIGHT juga!
Sekarang pun belum ada kerja lagi.
For this week, just INTRODUCTION ja.
Next week baru start the real working journey!

Thats all for now.
Nanti if ada masa akan update lagi!

"Laughter is the greatest weapon we have and we, as humans, use it the least."


GOOD EVENING everyone!~
Smile, smile and keep smile.
Since yesterday, sa di Penampang with my mum and baby Rayyan.
Just spend my weekend here rather than my hometown.
And now its about PLACES!
Its about tempat yang sa belum dan ingin pergi. :)
  • Mecca *memang cita2 dari dulu lagi want to be there*
  • Korea *kesan daripada tengok K-entertainment*
  • Indonesia *entah kenapa sa ada hati mau pergi sana*
  • Pulau Perhentian *wah, impian sa dulu lagi ni. Wan bawa sa p sana ah :)*
  • Sarawak *since me minat kek Sarawak kan*
  • Wanna travel and pusing2 satu Sabah ni. *PERKARA WAJIB*

Hope can go ***** this year!~
Dengan izin Allah la. :)
Kita just mampu merancang tetapi Allah lah yang menentukannya.
Just keep praying for it. :)

You can fall in love at first sight with a place as with a person. 

With love


HoHoHo. :)
Just finished my chapter 4.
Untuk submit to MJ la esok. :)

Tadi noon, sa cakap mau tidur in 30min before do my work.
Sekali tengok jam, its 3HOURS bebeh! :)
Tidak juga rasanya. :)

Malam baru me start online.
Dari tadi buat kerja ja. :)
rushing kan~

Post kali ini pasal 8 FEARS
woooohu! :(
Lets start!
  • ALLAH *who doesn't kan?*
  • DEATH *the most*
  • LORI SIMEN!~ *as ada 2 sudah accident cases melibatkan kenderaan ini*
  • CICAK. *tidak suka, tidak suka cicak kalau time sa mau mandi*
  • HEIGHT *gayat!*
  • DEPTH *boleh sesak nafas oh kalau tengok ja*
  • INJURIES *kalau pasal blood2 ni, sa tutup mata ja la! even movie yg ada ini benda pun, sa tidak sanggup watch*
  • BENDA TAJAM *macam2 sa fikir tu, this due to fear yg di atas*

Thats all!~ :)
Mau sambung buat kerja lagi.

Fear is the needle that pierces us that it may carry a thread to bind us to heaven.  

With love


14. 03. 2011
Its about 2months left for me to enjoy my uni life. :(
Time flies so fast oh kan.
Left 2weeks lagi untuk hantar thesis.
Sangat packed ya schedule sa sekarang!~
But enjoy2 things still on juga la. :P

Today, went to Suhaimi's class.
class sejam ja kena buat.
Then, no class until April 8. :)
punya la kan~
But, ada assignment, presentation for more accurate.
Title belum kena bagi, just wait for Jeremy ja la ni.
After this, tiada sd assignment need to do.
Just left Polymer's midterm (yg masanya tidak diketahui lagi). :P
Terus direct p FINAL EXAM

Anyhow, lets story2 pasal 9 loves hari ni. :)
  • love to spend time with my friends.
  • love to browse good-to-be-read article through internet.
  • love my home so so much. *HOME SWEET HOME orang bilang*
  • love to cari makan-makan sampai kenyang.
  • love fashionista! *dari kepala sampai la ke kaki*
  • love chocolate cake so so much! 
  • love my family so so so so much. *nah banyak tu sa love kamu kan*
  • love to do laundry *anne sama kan love kita? :)*
  • love everyone! *so love la me back kan? :)*

If God is the DJ, then Life is the dance floor; Love is the rhythm, and You are the music.

With love

3 Films

Good morning chentas ku semua! :)
Its rainy day! 
Dari sa bangun sampai sa siap kasi bersih rumah, still rainy.
But never mind. 
Lets cerita2 pasal filem hari ni.
These three films yang sa recently watched di GSC 1B yang sa rasa best la. :P

Number 1: UNKNOWN
WOW! Storyline cerita ni memang best. 
Not full with action la juga, just banyak bagi sa berfikir critically. 
*kalau pasal study, nda perna2 bha ada tu critically thinking :P*
For those yang belum lagi tengok2 ni movie, I suggest you all pergi lah melawat mana2 cinema yang berdekatan.
I watched this movie with Haroun and Rizali, last Thursday.

OK! Ni movie sangat2 la overwhelmed ni. 
But, full of action juga! 
Biasalah cerita Nicholas Cage kan. :)
I watched this movie with Syam, last2 Friday. :P

Movie ni just ok ok lah. :P
Climax dia sangat lah lambat, then hujung2 cerita baru ada action.
Macam ada sequel lagi cerita ni because itu hero belum lagi jumpa kawan2 dia.
I watched this movie with Shakira, last3 week. :P

Ada banyak lagi movie best2 yang mau release.
Pirates of Carribean, Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda and etc.
But for now, sa mau p tengok dulu tu Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. :)
FYI, sa memang suka tgk movie di cinema. :)

With love

7 Wants

Today, I'll post about my seven wants.
Suppose I need to do my Chapter 4.
But drop by here sekejap, baru start buat tu benda.

Ok, lets start dear!~ :)
  • I want to go overseas. itu pun kalau dapat la.
  • I want a DSLR. sangat sa mau ya bila nampak orang pakai ni. :)
  • I want a vintage bag. tunggu bila ada yang cantik. :)
  • I want various types of kain ela. start sd falling in love with baju kurung.
  • I want tempat LI yang confirm secepat yang mungkin. kalau boleh terus dapat kerja di tempat tu. :)
  • I want to attend a  farewell party. Satu kewajipan ini! :)
  • Lastly, I want a boyfriend!~ Unexplainable. :)

I'll be the happiest person if I can get all my seven wants and be thankful to Allah for what He prepared for me. 

With love

10 Secrets

Got tagged from Anne yesterday.
Wah, its take about 10 days to do this challenge.
But, if I'm free enough to do all the challenge, I'll complete it.

So lets start with 10 secrets.

  • I'm not a person who like to say 'tidak tau', 'mana-mana saja' and etc words yang menampakkan myself do not pandai buat decision. i know what i want.

  • Sa rabun malam. :) If the place I went in too dark, nah mula lah sd tu pening2. Tidak nampak jalan lagi ya. baru ja kejadian ni berlaku on me.

  • Dulu sa adalah budak nakal, but its was my past kan. belum pandai fikir lagi kan :P

  • Sa pernah suka seseorang. yang tidak boleh diselamatkan.

  • I am a dreamer. sangat ya bila ada banyak masa.

  • Selalu fikir pasal kematian. At every life, there must be a death.

    • Seriously and frankly speaking, sa rasa umur sa cukup untuk jadi bini orang. :P but jodoh pertemuan tu di tangan Allah. So, keep waiting patiently.

    • I'll say sorry if its my fault. But kalau tidak, jangan harap mau sa say sorry ya. Thats the true of me.

      • Really feels annoy bila nampak orang yang manja2 ni. Bleh panas hati tau. 

      • Last sekali, I am SINGLE. :)
      So sa mau tag 3 person.Kalau rajin buat la, terpulang. :)

      With love

      If in LOVE... Like them.

      Hate, hate, hate
      Lead me to blogging.

      Just finish watched Secret Garden.
      A really really good storyline.
      But the ending its not so good la. :)

      I really want to be in love like Korean drama punya cerita. :P
      So much romantic, cool and happy.
      I guess, its miracle if ada juga jalan cerita macam tu dalam hidup ini.

      Blaming, blaming, blaming.
      Am i the pesalah in every case?
      Did you lost your pride if you say sorry?
      Admit ja la kesalahan kalau terang-terang sudah salah.
      Xjuga mati pun
      I hate you the most.

      Met, parted, met, parted.
      How much we need to meet wrong person until we get the right one?

      Only if in love.. like them.

      Be thankful if you know there are one person love you.

      With love


      What a week?! Midterm Biochem baru ja berlalu tadi petang.
      Only used one night to study the whole 6 chapter yang memang betul bleh bunuh orang. :)
      Apa pun, it sd pun berlalu. 
      Don't know macam mana la result dia tu. :(

      Just after the midterm, 1B!
      P makan pizza la kunun2 nya bersama teman-teman yang dikasihi: Mandy, Chun, Kyra, Ven, Kyoo, Razi, Ariff, Zali dan Harun.
      Total semua ada 10 orang!
      Outing yang langsung tidak dijangka dan dirancang pun.
      But, ok la juga. 
      Tidak pernah juga keluar ramai2 macam tu kan.
      Lagipun last semester juga kan.
      As long as we happy with time left yang kami ada kan.

      I'm really really sorry for whom it concern.
      Really really sorry.
      Really really sorry.
      Sa tiada intention pun mau buat gitu.
      Sa pun rasa bersalah time tu.
      Sa xtau lagi apa mau buat.
      Sa admit sa salah.
      Memang sa yang salah.
      It was me.
      Just tidak disengajakan.
      Will you forgive me?
      Cause I'm really really sorry.

      For whom it concern,
      sa tau sa banyak sakitkan hati ko.
      But I'm really really sorry.
      Sangat sangat sorry.

      Play fair. Don’t hit people. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody.

      With love

      I am SORRY

      Wow! Its end of February. For 2 months I didn't open and manage my blog. 
      Not paying the broadband bill and too busy are my problemo on that period of time. :)
      Being the senior of last semester in UMS, sa terlalu busy dengan urusan yang bukan2.
      Selalu balik Keningau coz I'd lot time to spend in there.
      Then selalu berlibur bersama teman2 yg gila and sinting. :)

      Dalam 2 bulan ni, sa rasa hidup ini sangat tough.
      Not because of my study, but FRIENDSHIP matter.
      I thought, bila dah jadi senior, I'd ada masalah ngan my thesis and my study seja.

      Here, I want to say sorry to semua yang sa ada sakitkan hati secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung.
      I'm sorry sebab xdapat layan semua orang dalam at a time.
      Tegur me if sa pandai lupa kawan sudah
      Tegur me if sa ada sakitkan hati korang.
      Tegur me if sa berubah.
      Coz only you all can see who really I am.

      Jangan simpan dalam hati korg.
      Coz sa xdapat baca apa yang ada di fikiran korang.
      Just let me know.
      I'll try my best to be there for you when you need me. :)
      FYI, I never and never forget you all.
      I need you all the time, not only for sad and happy time.
      Lastly, I LOVE YOU MY FRIENDS.

      If you're alone, I'll be your shadow.  If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder.  If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow.  If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile.  But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.

      With love

      :: Short entry in the END of 2010 ::

      Good morning!~
      Its been a long time I didn't manage my blog.
      Today is 31st Dec.
      The last day in 2010.
      Tomorrow a new year has come, 2011.
      I'm wishing everyone will have more good luck, properous and stay healthy in next year.
      Hoping, 2011 will be better than 2010 for all of us.
      Goodbye 2010 and HELLO 2011.

      With love


      Thanks for visiting! Check back regularly for updated stories, photos and advice! Noted that every photos I post some are belong to me and some aren't which I taken from other website and I will credit to the host.
