Back to December

Assalammualaikum w.b.t.

Say YAY! to my post title, LOL! I never thought that December has come to end in just few days. I felt that I just come back from KK a week ago. 

Today is Dec 22. Just now my period come which is late for ten days. I'm having pain because of it and I am so thrilled with blood cell that come out. It's about an inches! That's a first time I'm experiencing it. Well, period is a must to all women!

SPA Interview

Assalammualaikum w.b.t.

What are you up today dolls? Today, I'm going to talk about my recent interview which held in Sabah's SPA. It was a funny interview I've ever did! LOL

Ada 2 orang yang buat interview tu and 3 orang jak calon yang ada untuk jawatan tu. Saya orang ke-2! Orang pertama tu, punya la lama kena interview. Mau dekat 40min juga la. So, I'm so thrilled to wait my turn at that time. 

Masa saya kena interview, soalan situation lah yang paling banyak! Boleh kerja lebih masa tak? Sanggup naik court tak? Boleh buat kerja penyelidikan untuk orang lain tak? Fuh! Jawab nya YA saja lah! From nama-nama menteri to KSU segala, 1Malaysia, parlimen, ADUN, NKRA dan segalanya yang saya disuruh belajar, sekali yang ditanya, sebutkan lima RUKUN NEGARA. Dah lah tidak tersusun, tidak berapa ingat lagi! 

But I'm so relieved after the interview. At least, saya dah pernah lepas untuk pergi interview SURUHANJAYA PERKHIDMATAN AWAM! At least juga, ada pengalaman sudah kan? Xo

Still here..

Assalammualaikum w.b.t.

How are you guys today? Saya? Sihat alhamdulillah. Its been long I didn't do a long post for you guys to read. Tak ada pula kan ucapan hari raya kan. Kali terakhir entri saya pun masa dalam bulan puasa lagi kan. But, I will do let you know what I did since that day until now.

Sebelum terlambat, saya dan sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf zahir dan batin. Maafkan atas tutur bicara saya dalam blog ini. Semoga hari raya tahun ini adalah raya yang paling meriah dan bermakna buat kita semua. 

Mari kita cerita pasal raya saya tahun ini. On Ramadan 29, fuh! Badan naik panas tiba-tiba dan demam lagi. Tapi demi raya, saya sanggup makan segala ubat agar dapat sembuh dengan cepat dan beraya dengan gembira. :) Raya pertama tu, my family and I visited lah rumah saudara dan kawan-kawan. Ada dalam 5 buah juga la, tapi yang best nya tahun ini adalah, setiap rumah yang saya pergi tu, juadahnya semua berbeza. Thats different from the other year. Kami pula buat open house on raya kedua tu. Tahun ini juga lain sebab dapat beraya bersama my bakal suami. Penat juga lah time coz orang datang serentak and kena basuh pinggan balik-balik ni! Sampai hari raya kelima ada jemputan open house raya and still now pun ada lagi! Xo

Marilyn Monroe Quotes

Assalammualaikum. Morning dolls! What are you up today? Today I want to share with you some my favorite quotes from Marilyn Monroe. Here we go!

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

 I'm very definitely a woman and I enjoy it. 

This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.

To Love..

Courtesy to NuttyTimes.Com
Assalammualaikum. How's your fasting today? I hope it went well. Hari ini dah masuk Ramadan-22. Bermulalah sudah malam-malam sepuluh terakhir Ramadan yang dijanjikan banyak pahala dalamnya. Wish you all the best!
Actually, today's entry is about love. Not a love for your family or friends but love to your very special ones that knocks your heart, your partner. I was remembered with this one Ustaz, but I didn't remember his name. For sure, I just rememberd the B.Anggali only! He gave some advise which is very useful and inspirational to me. That was when I attended kursus pra perkahwinan last June. He told,
Bila sudah berkahwin, kena jaga hati pasangan masing-masing. Kalau boleh setiap 6 bulan, keluar bersama (berdua tanpa orang lain yang dimaksudkan ni) dan bincang apa yang terbuku di hati. Jangan disimpan lama-lama. Kalau ada sesuatu yang tidak kena, cakap elok-elok dalam perbincangan tersebut. Beritahu apa kelemahan pasangan tersebut dan sebaliknya. Terima dengan hati yang terbuka dan ambil point dari situ untuk perbaikinya. Barulah boleh menjadi pasangan suami isteri yang mantap.
I heart his advise. Its so inspired me and my partner! Now, kami berdua memang mengamalkan macam tu. Tidaklah dalam masa 6 bulan juga, ikut dari masa kami juga lah. Baru-baru ini kami ada bergaduh. Taklah teruk.  It was me. Luckily, dia seorang yang penyabar dengan gaya saya. But, I realise kalau dia ada yang tak kena. So, I look and ask myself, what happen? Dari sana, saya akan nampak kesalahan sendiri dan cepat-cepat akan minta maaf. 
If you're in relationship, never look to his/her side instantly. Look and ask yourself first. What did you do till the misunderstand happen? Jangan cepat ingin salahkan orang lain. Cepat-cepat minta maaf, sebab perkataan tu tidak berbayar tapi ,mampu mengubat hati yang terluka. Jangan ego, biarlah kita yang mengalah untuk kebaikan bersama. 
Line yang paling kami suka guna kalau nak minta maaf is Sayang, sorry. I love you!
Thats all for today!

Everything Gonna Be Fine..if you believe on it.

Courtesy to The Aleegator:3
Assalammualaikum. Morning dolls. How are you today? I'm feeling well, insyaAllah in these few days. Yesterday, I was texting with my bapa and talked about my relationship. I am so thrilled when he asked about who is him, what does he do for living. He also asked me to email him the picture of my partner. Firstly, I am not want to email him in shortly, but he was demanding for it. So, I have to do it. I am thrilled that he will not agree to my choice. I am really afraid even to think about it. But, I still believe everything will be fine. Then, he sent me a very long text. He said, he doesn't mind for whom I chose. The matter is, find somebody that can guarantee my future life as financial matter is vital which love fall to number 2 in marriage. I really happy with his text. I really do. Thanks for everything. 

Kisah di Dapur..

Assalammualaikum. Evening dolls. There 30 minutes left for all Muslim in Sabah to break their fast. Just now, masak-masak untuk berbuka. Me, marinade the chicken to roast it, Mum, masak nasi kuning untuk my love and some bubur jagung. And him, masak udang masak sos! When he was cooking, me main Twitter! Then he complaint about it, so I have to help him in the kitchen supaya tiada bising-bising. I really adore my bakal suami this, really pandai masak than me. Me pun kalau masak kadang-kadang sedap, kadang-kadang TIDAK! Macam ikut angin monsun tropika kan? Masakan dia paling sa suka is AYAM MASAK MERAH! Sudah lah sa memang suka sangat makanan tu, tambah lagi dia yang masak sedap, apa lagi la kan? :D Sa ni ikut angin. Kalau rajin, ah semangat tu tinggi la dari sa. Kalau tidak, biasa-biasa saja la yang jadi. 
Now, I'm waiting for my roasted chicken. Then buat kuahnya. 
Selamat berbuka semua!

Butter Cake

Assalammualaikum. Hi dolls. Pray and be thank to Allah cause we still alive to have Ramadan-14 today. :)
Today I want to share with you one recipe which is very simple and delicious. It is BUTTER CAKE! Kalau sapa2 yang baru nak start buat cake, this one is a very good starter for you. Okay, we start now!

  • 250g butter
  • 300g tepung (sa campur 50g tepung gandum yang telah diayak dan selebihnya tepung naik sendiri @guna tepung gandum saja)
  • 150g castor sugar
  • 5 biji telur
  • 1 sudu teh baking powder
  • 1 sudu teh esen vanilla
  • 3 sudu makan susu pekat
Firstly, pukul butter dan gula sampai kembang atau warnanya bertukar kepada putih. Lepas tu, masukkan telur satu persatu. Masukkan tepung dan baking powder sedikit demi sedikit. Lastly, masukkan esen vanilla dan susu pekat. Tuangkan ke dalam loyang dan bakar pada suhu 150 darjah celcius selama 30 min. Ini terpulang kepada oven masing-masinglah coz semua oven tak sama kan. Pastikan oven telah dipanaskan sebelum tu. Tips: Panaskan loyang yang dah disapu butter sebelum adunan tersebut dituang ke dalamnya.

Ini lah rupanya!
This one untuk orang tersayang!
Selamat mencuba!

Happy Birthday Naza!

Courtesy to Zazaapli
Assalammualaikum. Before too late, I want to post about my grown-up-yet-lovely-funny girlfriend birthday celebration! Actually, she was born on July 19 but we celebrated it on July 22. At first, she asked us to go to KK and makan steamboat at Kg. Nelayan. Sadly, Shakira and I can't make it, so we have to postpone it to another day. Finally, we celebrated it at Kelab Permata with her carrot cake. Main order sama Shakira lagi ya this birthday girl! 
Zaza, I wish you all the best throughout this year, wish you become more beautiful from your inside and outside look, be bless by Allah, pink in health, murah rezeki and cepat-cepat lah kahwin! Thank you for becoming my friend since Year 4 and you are motivated and inspired me all the times! I love you woman! Kisses!


Assalammualaikum. Just stop by to inform that you all can now comment to my post at the comment box starting from this post. I really appreciate to those who gives inspirational and motivational comments. Thanks for reading dolls. Xoxo

It is Ramadan..

Assalammualaikum. Its been a very long time for me (padahal baru 2weeks kan?) didn't update my Twitter and my post. Recently, I was busy to forth back from my house to my cousin house everyday. Alhamdulillah, she is being gradually well with that paranormal sickness. Hairan kan kenapa ada juga orang sanggup buat orang lain merana kesakitan yang kiranya hampir mahu membunuh tuu. But, I am so hoping that she and her family will take lesson from things happen to her. Be thankful and sentiasa lah berbaik sesama saudara dan lebih-lebih lagi kepada adik-beradik sendiri. 
Alhamdulillah juga hari ini dah masuk Ramadan yang ke-11 dan masuk fasa keampunan juga. Moga-moga Ramadan kali ini lebih baik daripada tahun-tahun yang lalu. I wish to all my Muslim friends, Selamat Menyambut Ramadan Al-Mubarak and I love you all. Kisses!


Assalammualaikum. Last April, I, my bakal suami and Shakira, my lovely grown-up friend went to Kundasang for Velnie Tasha's engagement and birthday celebration. Bukan kami ja yang datang, Venessa, Ellyza, Renee, Fenny and Khaliq pun ada datang juga. So, termeterai sudah lah bahawa Velnie Tasha sudah bertunang! 
Next, we visited Shakira's aunt rest house. WoW! The house is so beautiful and full with flowers. With addition some fogs, macam heaven babe tempat tu! The place is known as Arcadia. Lepas itu, kami pun la membuat tinjauan di sepanjang kediaman tu untuk check2 apa yang patut!
Then, biasalah. If you go to Kundasang, you will buy some flower and some vegetables which usually sell at RM10 for 3 types of veggie. The one who very excited going there is Shakira! That was her first time went there since her last visit when she was 10 I think. She bought many veggies, flowers (cold type) and a little strawberry tree. Not to forget, before we got back from Velnie Tasha's house, kami sempat lagi minta bunga-bunga yang ada di sekeliling rumah dia! Mahal itu bunga kalau di pasar Kundasang. So, why don't we grab it as it is free right?
So if you are thinking places for holiday, just come to Kundasang to feel nature's excitement around there!

Happy Birthday Christa!

Assalammualaikum. Morning dolls! Today is my best-uni friend,Christa Martha Jout birthday! I want to wish her all the best in every single things she does throughout this year! Also, semoga dimurahkan rezeki, be bless by her God, sihat tubuh badan, makin cantik dan cepat kahwin! Thank you for being my friend whom very supportive and inspiring me since we've met. Kisses!

Yes You Are The One I Miss

It's even 2 weeks I didn't see him. I really miss him. Can I address him my bakal suami instead of my boyfriend? Feel really calm with the title. Thank you @wanfadhilah for the inspiring word! 
I miss you. I know you also do. Hope we can meet this coming Sunday. I love you sayang! Kisses!

Satisfaction and Patience

Assalammualaikum. Happy Thursday everyone! Do you feel awkward with my first line? Take it easy. I think I should start my every post with salam from now. Just now, I was blog-walking and found someone blog which each of her post talked about her daughter, her life and so on. The way she writes as if she never get any complacency in her life. In personal, I looked her life is so much better than I. I hope she can be more patient than now to get through in her upcoming situation. 
I remembered with Ustz. Malai Ali Malai Ahmad message, 'Siapa bilang sabar ada batas? Sabar tiada batasnya dan teruskanlah bersabar kerana dalam hidup ini cuma ada dua perkara yang menjadikan kita Islam iaitu sabar dan takwa.' 
Yes it is absolutely true! Patient is no limitation. Maybe people talk back about you but be patient as only you know the truth about yourself. Don't mind if people do that. They have their own mouth and you can't stop them. So let it be. Do what you want as long as it never go far away from your belief.
Our complacency is never can be attained. When we get something we want yet we will wish for another things. Human's satisfaction can't be achieved at all, the only thing we can do is accept with open hearts for what He has given. Be thank for that all because you were given things that other people never have a chance to have it.
So be optimistic. Think wise before blaming your life, yourself and other people. There is no perfect person in this world but only imperfect person who walks through the perfect life.

New Design of 'My Stilettos'

For almost 2 years, template for  My Stilettos blog never unchanged. So yesterday, I put my effort to do a little changes to this blog. Theme I've been using now is Comet. I heart this new look because it's so simple, neat and of course because of the color itself. So how about you? Will you also do a little change to your blog? I also change the blogspot address from to Keep in touch!


Just now my grown-up friend, @ViviLastri share her common on-line website shopping. I'm so into the leopard-printed blazer. So, sa pun mau la juga satu which she chose the white one and me chose orange color. It's so cute and elegant as for me. Then, she gave me two website which she always used for e-shop. I browse into it, then fall for another tops..! Oh my gosh! Eventually, I am E-shopping now! Thanks darla for the sharing. You can click links below this post to do E-shop.
Skirt Modern Hana Tajima
Kaki Shoping

Tweet Tweet TWITTER

Hi dolls. I feel so excited with my new Twitter account. Just set it up on last Saturday. Feel great and bless to connect with my grown-up friends, uni friends and also other people who give tonnes of inspiring tweet. Come and follow me on Twitter @EllydaLee. See you guys there. Xo

For the First Time from the very Long Time

Hi dolls! This is my very first post ever since 2012 has coming. I miss to post a blog but I MALAS! :)

First of all, sudah 6 months saya menjadi PENTERNAK LEMAK di rumah sejak saya quit from Kosinar. I'm so bored. First 3 months best gila la, but now macam tumpul sudah otak ni tidak kena guna selama 6 bulan lamanya. Rasanya saya perlu mandi bunga atau spray macam2 haruman ni supaya good karma come to me kan! Apply for a job, tidak dapat. Apply for course, pun tidak dapat. Yang mampu saya lakukan cuma bersabar, berdoa dan bertawakal ja la. Harap2 ada juga rezeki datang nanti kan.

Oh ya! I'm quit from playing Facebook sudah since March this year if I'm not mistaken. Ada lah tu sebab2 tertentu why I quit from it. But, you all do have my number right? Feel free to contact or text me through my mobile. Kalau ada yang tidak ter'pick' atau ter'reply' tu call or text, perhaps I'm too busy to do all that. But I will try my best to give my return call and text for those yang buat semua itu.

Macam banyak pula cerita saya ni kan. Last April, my friend, Chun, engaged to her boyfriend which I have to address him Chun's fiancee. She was the first among us to be engaged. Last week dia cakap, dia mau cepat2 kahwin sudah sama c Arthur! May God bless both of them. Me? Just a big smile for all of you!

Stay tune to know my update! 
LOVE ya!


Thanks for visiting! Check back regularly for updated stories, photos and advice! Noted that every photos I post some are belong to me and some aren't which I taken from other website and I will credit to the host.
